They hide in our streets, dark and insignificant. Public buildings, once attracting the crowds. In the course of time they were pushed into the background, they were forgotten. Everyday we pass them, lost in our own thoughts, not paying attention. How many of those buildings still exist in our cities and what is buried behind their often ailed facades, what stories those wall have to tell, remains hidden.
But there are still those who do see what most people do not. Those who are able to see and hear what the buildings of past times have to tell. The eyes of the children are what makes the old stories come alive and lets them shine.
The film is about a little boy whose football rolls into an old abandoned swimming bath. Looking for his ball, the boy enters the old building which then reveals its very own side to him.
runtime 11 min
tecnical data
cinemascope (1 : 2,35)
redcode RAW 4k
* Produktion Anne Komorowski, Helene Römer
* Drehbuch Patricia Sack
* Regie Patricia Sack
* Kamera Salomé Lou Römer
* Regieassistenz/Continuity Tanja Giebl
* Kameraassistenz/DIT Jakob Seidel
* Kamerabühne/DIT Annika Cichos
* Oberbeleuchter Alexander Püringer
* Beleuchter Nicolas Varela, Marc Steck
* Tonmeister Christopher Prybilla
* Maske Lisa-Marie Arnold
* Kostüm Elisa Kohler
* Requisite David van Treek
* Setrunnerin Stefanie Otremba
* Setrunner David van Treeck
* Schnitt Patricia Sack, Salomé Lou Römer
* O-Ton Schitt Andi Hemberger
* Komponist Moritz Frisch
* Sounddesign Wolfi Müller
* Compositing Ulrich Schmidt
* Colorist Harald Mauch
* Webdesign Simon Reichenbach, Simon Liedtke
* Setfotos Carolin Prange
* Standfotograf Moritz Frisch
* Junge #1 Carl Luis Maria Reinhartz de Maia
* Junge #2 Julian Daniel
* Synchronschwimmerin #1 Elisa Kohler
* Synchronschwimmerin #2 Stefanie Otremba
* Synchronschwimmerin #3 Carolin Prange
* Bademeister David van Treeck
* Frau #1 Gerlinde Giebl
* Frau# 2 Angelika Murer
* Spielendes Kind #1 Lisa Hoffmann
* Spielendes Kind#2 Nomi Pourian
* Älterer Herr Bruno Hellinger